Disclaimer:The above may contain information for investors/traders and is not a recommendation to buy or sell stock,gold & energies, nor an offer to buy or sell stock, gold & energies. The information provided is obtained from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. I am not liable for any losses or damages, monetary or otherwise that result. I recommend that anyone trading stock, gold & energies should do so with caution and consult with a broker before doing so. Prior performance may not be indicative of future performance. Gold & energies presented should be considered speculative with a high degree of volatility and risk.
Nifty has formed double top and RSI also confirms negative divergence.If braks the level of 3297 levels will lead to the target of 3097 in coming days(expect within 2 or 3 days)
Hi Friend, its excellent, and your tips are working, kindly send me the daily nifty tips
ReplyDeleteThanks sir,i am only doing it as parttime job.if i start giving nifty tips i will surely include you.balubalu_1576@yahoo.co.in